Now Is The Time: Demand An End To Masks And Other Restrictions

With the predictions of armageddon over the Omicron variant in tatters and the mood changing fast, the govt is under pressure to get rid of ALL restrictions by 26 Jan, so…

…NOW is the time, please, to contact your MP using our quick template below.

Yes – we know far too many MPs don’t reply, much less engage with substantive arguments HOWEVER…

…they do take notice of VOLUME so this “Javid is bang to rights” email is perfect if you are in England.

Click here to contact your MP and use or adapt the following text:

SUBJECT: Masks and all C19 restrictions must go 26 Jan

Dear MP,

I’m a constitutent demanding an end to mask mandates and all Covid restrictions.

On 29 November, Health Secretary Sajid Javid sold MPs on backing new restrictions by promising them in the House of Commons:

“I can assure the House that if it emerges that this variant is no more dangerous than the Delta variant then we won’t keep measures in place for a day longer than necessary”

Then, on 16 December Chris Whitty told MPs in a select committee hearing in so many words:

”Omicron is not more dangerous than Delta.”

Therefore this is an open and shut case:

There can be no justification to retain mask mandates and the other harmful Covid restrictions we have put up with for almost 2 years now – only to see more ‘cases’ than ever before!

They have been proven worthless and must go on 26 Jan, if not before.
